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Building the Maxi-Joker 2


This is my first helicopter.  Building this was fun and exciting.  It had its share of headaches and frustrations due to my lack of experience.  It was certainly a challenge.  If you're seriously thinking of getting into this I would highly recommend building one rather than having someone else build it for you or buying one that is ready to fly (RTF).  There are lots of resources out there if you do require any help.


The Maxi-Joker2 is a "builder's" heli and not a "kit" heli.  What I mean is a kit heli you can easily assemble and have it flying in two days.  The MJ2 requires a bit more building experience that I quickly discovered within the first year. 


I would like to say a special thanks to Bill Bailey, of Nodal Ninja, for getting the ball rolling for me.  Being a pilot himself he provided insights to the reality of "flight" through Flight Training 101 at a local flight school.  


A special thanks for Keith M., from Florida, for sharing his notes.  He made notes during his build of the Maxi-Joker2.


Also, a very special thanks to Fergus M., from Ireland, for guiding me through every step of the way.  A "Thank You" is simply not enough for his patience and dedication in explaining every detail no matter how insignificant it seemed.


Thank you to the guys at Advance RC for their advice and tips! 





Maxi-Joker 2 Manual


The Maxi-Joker2 parts are all bagged separately by drawing number on the manual.  So bag #1 corresponds with drawing #1 and so on.



Most of the steps are straightforward.  Since I've never built a heli and wasn't sure how things work I pre-assembled all the steps just to make sure that I had every part necessary before actually tightening any screws. 


Part numbers are all listed at the Minicopter site at:



The Maxi-Joker manual can be downloaded from:




For the most recent version of Keith's notes can be obtained by emailing him at keith [at] gate.net.  (Replace "at" with "@")







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