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Software Configuration - Gimbal


Servo Travel Limit



Pitch (F2), Roll (F1)


Parameter Range:   -1000 to1000


This sets the gimbal's servo travel limits.


Adjust MAX and MIN values and make sure there are no mechanical bindings.


CENTER value is to set the starting position of the gimbal.  A negative value will reverse the servo's direction.




Automatic Control Gain



Pitch (F2), Roll (F1)


Parameter Range: 0 to 100


This sets the amount of stabilization.  Higher values for more stabilization.


Use the Direction button to reverse the control.




Maual Control Speed



Pitch (X1)


Parameter Range: 0 to 100


This sets manual control speed.  Higher values for faster control.  For smoother control decrease this value.





Only the Pitch axis can be manually controlled.  (X1 channel)

If the gimbal has a pan axis then you must disable or secure the axis.


If a camera operator is desired then a secondary receiver can be used. 


For solo photographers the same X1 control, that was used for remote adjustment, can be used to tilt the camera Gimbal.


X1 control for the gimbal is always active even if "all knobs" were disabled.




(RX shown is a depiction of a Futaba R6014 and transmitter is a Futaba 12Z)



Here's a sample configuration for a secondary camera operator with the 3XPro gimbal.


► Use the throttle channel for X1

► Use the throttle stick for tilt control

► You may use a servo or electronic switch to actuate the camera's shutter





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