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Drawing #7a






Parts for drawings 7a & 7b.


Don't confuse which side is which.  I actually have the frames on the wrong side for this image.  The frame with the curved hole (#411) is the left side.


I assembled parts for both 7a & 7b..




WARNING:  Pushrod (#427) might come into contact with the sides of the curved hole of the upper left side frame (#411).  Make sure the pushrod travels freely.  You will have to sand it down if there is contact.


I used a rotary tool followed with a file.


Wear a mask if you end up doing this.  I only noticed this problem after the entire heli was finished.


Update:  This has been resolved with newer kits.  But still check for free movement.



Assembly TIP!:

Read ahead to 11a and 11c.  You can install the elevator and pitch servo at this point.  It's easier to install this servo now than later.


(I only realized this after the fact)





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