Default Setting H-Pilot
Channel - Set either damping
or hold mode as default if
H-Pilot is not used.
Option H-Channel - Sets
the H-Pilot's option
Stick Option - Options
for H-Pilot HOLD mode.
Fixed Height - Autopilot will
function against stick
Climb Rate - Allows hover point
out of stick center.
Spring Centre - Climb or descent
will halt on stick release.
Sink - Stop - Similar to Spring
Center with the addition of
descent speed reduction when
altitude is below 2m.
Sensor Option / Air Pressure
Reaction - Defines air
pressure reaction speed.
Attitude Gain (Sensitivity)
- Defines altitude gain
Holding Range - Defines
the altitude interval inside of
which a given altitude will be maintained or
re-gained after altitude deviations are caused by
wind gusts.
Dynamic Energy Compensation
- Anticipates the required
collective pitch changes to
avoid diving or ballooning up
when accelerating or
decelerating against the